Two Words

An obvious sentence to say would be that: Words are powerful.  Words can make or break nearly anything.  Think of Martin Luther King Jr.  and his speech on August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.  He spoke for 17 minutes, and his speech became regarded as one of the finest speeches in the history of America. You don’t need to have 17 minutes of writing to make an impact.  An impact can be felt by simply using two words.  There is a plethora of two-word sentences that are powerful.  “I do.”  “Try again.” “Be kind.” “Have faith.” “Carpe Diem.” “Love you.”  The list can go on.

I was reading an article on a website called “Bored Panda” that I frequent.  The authors of one article went to Reddit’s subreddit called “r/AskReddit” and asked, ‘What is a scary, unsettling fact about you?’  Right now, there are over 24,000 comments on that thread.  The authors then took a handful of them and posted it to Bored Panda, titling the article “45 Of the Most Unsettling Secrets People Have Revealed About Themselves in This Online Thread”.  One that they selected was from Reddit User “SensualEnema” who spoke of their failing mental health.  They have PTSD, have no motivations to do basic functions like cleaning or cook, have emotional attacks even when looking into their husband’s eyes.  She ended the post with the statement “Sorry for the wall of text. I’m just very tired and wanted to holler my problems into the Internet void.”

In the modern age of anonymity online, it’s impossible to tell what is fake and what is real. I don’t believe that this person is posting to get sympathy and is trying to generally express herself. The post was heartbreaking to say the least. I feel for everyone out there who has been in their own situations. It is my experience that when you hit your lowest, you will know it and hopefully find the motivation to start working your way out.  What got me writing about this section of the article over the other facts posted is not SensualEnema’s position, but it was a comment left by a Bored Panda community member by the name of “jonnamomma85” when he simply wrote: “I’m Listening.”

I’m listening.  Two words that can mean the difference.  When a Toastmasters club meets, one thing that can be always counted on is they are there to listen. I believe it’s the greatest skill each Toastmaster walks away with. When you give a speech, when you answer a table topics question, when you are evaluating, or when you are giving an invocation, everyone listens.  Toastmasters evaluates, helps correct the filler words like ‘um’ and ‘ah’, and encourages adding the word of the day to expand your vocabulary.  If you have any problems, they will be there to hear you out.  If you celebrate a milestone, Toastmasters are there to applause.  If you cry, Toastmasters is there with the tissue and a warm hug to comfort you.

While I dare not compare my past to SensualEnema’s or any other person’s situation, I’ve experienced my own low points and I’m lucky to have a great network of friends and family who have helped pull me up. This included when I joined Toastmasters in 2021. I go into each meeting knowing if I have a problem, I can speak my mind because my fellow Toastmasters who are there with me or on Zoom say with their eyes and their hearts: “I’m Listening.”

-Adam Belaire, DL5

Perfect until life changes us…

Originally published January 6, 2015 in the Winnipeg Free Press

Welcome to Toastmasters! Those are the happy words you will hear when you visit one of our clubs. If joining Toastmasters has been one of your goals, or even a New Year´s resolution, there is no better time to visit a club than now.

What you can expect is a friendly, supportive group that will introduce you to what Toastmasters can offer. Need to give a presentation at work? We have a program
for that. Want to meet friendly, interesting people? We have them. Looking for ways to communicate better with friends and family? We can show you how. Long business meetings getting you down? We have the tools to keep them on time. Toastmasters can help you with these items and more.

For a practical example, let me share the story of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi from Sri Lanka who is the 2014 World Champion of Public Speaking with his speech “I see something in you”. It had a basic plot. A young man finds himself in trouble with the law. Through the pain in his mother´s tearful eyes and with the help of a mentor he is given another chance. With the help of Toastmasters and other programs, he finds his voice and wins the ultimate prize, a new life filled with self-confidence, excitement and promise.

The tools he used for his speech covered all of the basics for a good speech. Using gestures, he opened with a beautiful red rose and said that this represented all of us, perfect until life changes us. He then tore petals off the rose. Using vocal Variety, he called out to the audience, ¨How many of you have a mother who would cry for seeing her son behind bars”? He then included us all by saying “My mother is like all of yours put together!” Repeating the phrase, “I see something in you but I don´t know what it is”. This was woven through his story first by his mentor, then by his future wife, and lastly by a Toastmasters member. Humour, he pointed to a spot on the stage that represented his wife and commented that he was so fortunate to find his beautiful wife. Even though she also said “I see something in you, but I don´t know what it is”. Then he said “I couldn’t find a job, but I found a wife”. Picture this with dramatic pauses, exaggerated facial expressions and a shy smile. Using drama, after sharing his journey from delinquent to successful speaker, he paused for a long moment, reached into the bucket on stage and pulled out the perfect red rose. The audience exploded as he ended his speech. I invite you to check it out this speech on YouTube at and I look forward to hearing about you visiting us at a Toastmasters meeting in the near future.

To hear more comments about Toastmasters, please go to There are Toastmasters meetings every day of the week (day and evening) in Manitoba and North-West Ontario that would welcome you. Go to www.toastmasters. org/findaclub or call 204-338-7401 to find out more. No experience necessary.

Evaluations: the Heart of the Toastmaster Program

When you strengthen your evaluations, you help your fellow members improve, you develop your skills in delivering feedback, and you build a stronger club. It does not stop there. The techniques you practice in Toastmasters become even more valuable when they ripple out into your home, your workplace and your community. Here are the slides
and handout from the workshop Evaluations: the Heart of the Toastmaster Program delivered February 21, 2015 by Bev Doern, DTM, past District 64 Governor and evaluation enthusiast.

Evaluations – Heart of Toastmasters (slides_handout)