What’s in a name?

Originally published February 17, 2015 in the Winnipeg Free Press

For a Toastmasters Club, their name often tells a story. Some are easier to decipher than others. The Parliamentary Club deals with business procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order, Comedy Club, Eh? focuses on adding humour to presentations while le club francs parleurs has meetings in both official languages.

Some clubs are named after their location. Charleswood Club, Downtown Winnipeg Club, and Seven Oaks Club are all named after the part of the city where they meet. Out of town locations include Beausejour, Interlake or Thompson Toastmasters.

Some of our more creative names include the following corporate clubs, Licensed to Speak (MPIC), Toast of IG (Investors Group), and City Slickers (City of Winnipeg).

Whatever the name of the over 100 clubs in our District, which includes Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, you will find the same format for the meetings. There are prepared speeches, impromptu speaking (known as Table Topics), evaluations of all parts of the meeting and a timer. People come from all walks of life, all skill levels and with different ambitions, but they all find a welcoming place to improve their communication and leadership skills. We call it – “a safe place to try.”

So whether you are working on that presentation at work, giving the toast to the bride, or want to improve your communication techniques, there is a Toastmasters club for you. There is no better time than now. The Province of Manitoba has declared the month of March as “Toastmasters Month in Manitoba”. Watch for information on Open Houses in your area.

To hear more comments about Toastmasters, please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WStG9TnG0Gw

There are Toastmasters meetings every day of the week (day and evening) in Manitoba and North-West Ontario that would welcome you. Go to www.toastmasters.org/findaclub or call 204-338-7401 to find out more. No experience necessary.