Could you get paid to speak? Yes You Can! Here’s how…

Do you want to take your speaking skills to an entirely new level? Get involved in the Toastmasters Accredited Speaker program (…/Contests/Accredited-Speaker).

Join Keystone Speakers, the only Toastmasters club in District 64 focused on developing the professional skills necessary to successfully apply for the Accredited Speaker designation and succeed as a professional speaker.

We have started the journey to become professional speakers. Our second meeting will be held on Monday October 26 at the Millennium Library Downtown Branch from 6:00-9:00PM.

Our educational session will focus on keynote speeches. We will have a special guest speaker via Skype. Accredited Speaker and club sponsor, Bob Hooey will present, “The Anatomy of a Keynote”. We will learn how to structure a keynote that will captivate our audiences and make the accredited speaker judges say “YES!”

Come out. Kick the tires. What have you got to lose?  This is a Toastmasters experience not to be missed!

Join us on Facebook at, or email Michael Bayer ( for more information.