This article is about getting properly permissioned pictures that fit the Toastmaster’s brand. To quote the Toastmasters Branding Manual “Please do not use cartoons, illustrations, or clip art in materials created for Clubs, Areas, Divisions, Districts, and Regions. Always make sure you have permission to use and/or reproduce any images and pictures utilized in your designs. Images protected by trademarks and copyrights should never be used.”
Tips & Advice
Parlez-vous Francias?
Le Club Toastmasters Francs-Parleurs
La mission d’un club Toastmasters est d’offrir un environnement d’apprentissage dans lequel les membres s’encouragent mutuellement de façon positive afin de permettre à chacun d’améliorer ses capacités de communicateur et de leader, ce qui générera confiance en soi et développement personnel.
We are the only bilingual Toastmasters club in District 64 (Manitoba, NW Ontario and NW Minnesota.) Our club has been providing a fun and supportive environment for people to practice speaking in both official languages for over 31 years! We represent a variety of ages, cultural backgrounds, and public speaking experiences.
Club Francs-Parleurs offre à chacun de ses membres l’opportunité d’apprendre et de mettre en pratique quatre compétences clés qui sont importantes pour réussir dans le monde du travail actuel : L’écoute, la réflexion, la parole et le leadership.
Online Etiquette
With a lot going in the world forcing Toastmasters to switch to online meetings temporarily, it’s important to understand the differences you can expect to encounter with participating in a virtual meeting. Here are some tips provided by Sheryl Poirier, DTM/PDD on Online Etiquette for your next Virtual Meeting.
Conducting Virtual Club Meetings (The Easy Way)
If you are unfamiliar with using software for conducting an online meeting, I have a solution for you that is free and simple to use.
Jitsi Meet is Open Source software that makes it easy for people to have a video conference online. No log in or sign up is required to use this service.
10 Tips for Wedding Toasts
Planning to speak at a wedding?
Most of us have needed to speak in front of a group of people at some point in our lives. But when it comes time to make a speech.. a lot of people don’t know where to start.
Not knowing how to make a wedding toast speech is a common scenario that people run into when they’re asked to present at a wedding. An experienced Toastmaster should be able to handle themselves well – but not everyone is an experienced Toastmaster.